Group Fitness Class Locations

An RSVP is required for all classes. Passes are available for purchase to students, faculty, staff, and community members on the MindBody app.

Our instructors are able to teach to all fitness levels, therefore, all class formats are designed to meet the needs of beginner, intermediate, and advanced participants.

All class formats are 45-minutes unless otherwise indicated.

Our certified instructors offer effective and safe workouts in a fun, friendly, and social atmosphere. Participants can improve their fitness, experience the GVSU community, and manage stress in a positive way. 

Class Locations

Fieldhouse/Recreation Center Locations

Dance Studio - FH 160

Enter the Rec Center near Welcome Desk B (closest to the pool, furthest from Parking Lot F), and turn right. Pass the vending machines, and the Dance Studio will be the room on the right before the hallway splits. Look for the room with a blue door and frosted glass windows.

IFS (Instructional Fitness Studio) - D030

Enter the Rec Center near Welcome Desk A (near the glass walls, closest to Parking Lot F). Continue down the steps to the left, then make a right U-turn at the bottom of the steps. The IFS will be straight ahead with double wood doors.

B9 Weight Room

Enter the Rec Center near Welcome Desk B (closest to the pool, furthest from Parking Lot F), and turn right. Before you pass the vending machines, turn right into the hallway, then through the door to the stairs. Go down 2 flights of stairs, then turn right. Once you pass the racquetball courts, veer right at the fork and the door will be right there.

Video of Directions to the Fieldhouse B0009 Weight Room

Housing Locations

Niemeyer (NMR) – Multipurpose Room 

NMR is located on South Campus, near the Connection and across from Lake Ontario Hall.  Enter in the main doors by the circle drive, and follow the curved hallway straight after entering. The Multipurpose Room is the large area in the back with the fireplace.

Holton Hooker Living Center (HHLC) – Multipurpose Room 

HHLC is located behind Fuel, Fresh Foods, and Mackinac Hall (MAC). Enter by Einstein’s Bagels, and turn right immediately to find the Multipurpose Room.

Page last modified January 4, 2025